Our specialties > Lawyering Up – Full or Partial Representation

Lawyering Up -
Full or Partial Representation

Not everyone can afford a full-service lawyer and there are alternatives. You may enjoy the advantages of Full-Service Representation OR Self-Confident Representation.

One of our knowledgeable Sterling Family Law lawyers can coach you on how to prepare, communicate and/or appear in your case. 

Your legal coach can help you as much or as little as you need. This allows you to be in charge of the cost of your legal service because you are free to spend as much or as little as you wish. You can also select the areas you want help with. If you are a good writer, you may draft court documents and one of our lawyers will review it for completeness, legally and factually providing you with guidance about what you must do to communicate and represent yourself  effectively.  

On the other hand, you may only need coaching to understand the law, processes or deadlines, to give you an in-depth understanding of your legal situation or to help you to plan or understand the strategy to use or that is being used against you. Perhaps you only need help to prepare to represent yourself at court or in negotiations, mediation or collaborative sessions. Have only one hard issue left?  Perhaps we can be your consultant or representative on that issue. Whatever your choice, with legal coaching, you will have the confidence to get the results you want. 

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